3 Septic System Issues To Watch Out For

Posted on: 14 April 2020

If you've never had a septic system before, you may not have much information about how to take care of one. It works just like the city sewer system, except you are in charge of the system itself, including getting it repaired and having it emptied. Besides that, all of your home's waste is sitting in a large tank below ground in your own yard. If you have a septic tank, you're going to need to watch out for issues.
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Is A Basement Mold Remediation Project In Your Future?

Posted on: 13 April 2020

Hiring a basement mold remediation contractor is an appropriate investment to make in protecting your house. You may be wondering, though, what are the signs a building requires basement mold remediation. Here are 5 indicators you ought to pay attention to. Spots Mold often appears as fuzzy spots that appear on surfaces that supply sufficient moisture. These spots can be black, dark green, or dark blue. They're usually fairly circular unless they've formed in cracks of crevices.
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Kitchen Remodeling Trends For Small Homes That Need Modern Renovations And An Open Concept

Posted on: 10 April 2020

If you have a small, older home that needs renovations, the kitchen is a great place to start updating your home. When redesigning your kitchen, you may want an open concept design that is more modern and gives you more space. The following kitchen remodeling trends are some of the design options you will want to consider when doing renovations to your home: Fresh Kitchen Design with Stone, Clean Lines and Less Clutter for A Minimalist Look
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Dealing With Water Damage On Your Foundation

Posted on: 8 April 2020

One of the most common forms of damage that affect the foundation of many homes is a result of water infiltration. Often water seeping in around the foundation can cause damage to the foundation that will eventually need repairing. Signs of Water Damage Water damage is not always easy to see in your foundation walls. Wet spots on the foundation walls or cracks that have water seeping through them are pretty good indications that the foundation wall is compromised.
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