What to Expect From a Full Service Construction Company
Posted on: 15 December 2020
Hiring a full service construction company to handle a project is a good idea if you're trying to streamline the job. Customers need to be clear, though, on what the construction company is going to do. Here are three things you can expect from such a business.
General Contracting
Fundamentally, a full service construction company is a general contractor that concentrates the main tasks within a single business. Normally, general contracting involves putting one business in charge and letting them direct the actions of several other subcontracting parties. With a full service construction company, the GC role is still there, but many of the subordinates are directly in the employ of the contractor.
In terms of what every general contracting business does, much of it is directing traffic. A general contractor makes and adjusts the schedule for a project. For example, if the team pouring the foundation needs concrete ready to mix on Thursday, the GC ensures that the supplies for the job show up a few days earlier. Similarly, the GC will verify that none of the concrete is poured before all of the sewage, plumbing, and electrical components that are under the foundation are in place.
You should be aware that "full service" is not the same as providing all of the services. In this case, the construction company provides the services normally associated with a build. You can expect them to deal with carpentry, masonry, roofing, and similar work. Likewise, you can expect them to handle basic utility projects.
Customers should always verify the full slate of services a construction company provides. They may or may not provide installation of utilities, for example. It's not uncommon for installation of the HVAC system to be a specialized job that they'll turn to a third-party provider for. The more specialized the work is, such as adding off-grid solar power, the less likely a full service construction company will provide it.
Support for Design
Normally, the design of a project is not the domain of this sort of construction company. However, they will be happy to provide input to the designer. If you've hired an architect, for example, the GC can assist them with assessing which materials to use and advise them about supplies and availability.
Similarly, they can advise about engineering problems at the site. They can point you to companies that handle things like grading, earthmoving, engineering, and hydrology, too.
If you need a variety of services done while working on a project, hiring a general contractor might be a good option for you. Research local contractors in your area.